Fern Forest Homes, Fern Forest Land and Real Estate in Fern Forest Estates
- Buy Find Search or Sell Fern Forest Homes, Fern Forest Land and Fern Forest Estates Real
- Estate in Puna, Hawaii with Catherine Lampton, Agent at Local Hawaii Real Estate.
- Fern Forest Estates occupies 12.5 square miles in the Puna District on the Big Island of Hawaii.
- There area about 2,590 parcels in Fern Forest Vacation Estates, 2,293 of these parcels an area
- of about 3 Acres. The elevation in Fern Forest ranges from about 2,200 ft to 2,970 ft. The mean
- annual rain fall in Fern Forest is about 200 inches a year. Fern Forest Vacation Estates has an
- active Community Association primarily for the maintenance of common resources.
View Catherine's Featured Fern Forest Estates Real Estate
- Check out Catherines's Fern Forest Estates Home Sales and Land Sales Reports below.
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